Saturday, March 24, 2007

I won,Iwon!!

Last nite we played mahjong (Carlota,Mina and I ) and I won,Carlota and Mina lost. We had fun though.I called my baby kukang (Jonna) this morning and asking something, we talked for a while.I teased her that I'm cooking fried rice w/garlic and dried fish and sliced some tomatoes for my dried fish. She laughed at me and said that I'm silly, lots of thing happen this week but I don't remember much. One thing that I remember when I bring Annie to her house,Lisa told me that when Annie woke up at 1:00 am that was Thurday, she cried and called my name "May where is my Juice" Lisa got up and go to her b-room and tell to Annie,I'm your Mom, I can get your juice,and Annie said to her "oh okay".I want to share to you this cleaning tips that I read in the magazine here's:
Cleaning Trick
Old Socks: Orphaned or threadbare socks great dusting cloths. Because they slip right into your hands they're also great for scrubbing dishes and cleaning glass.
Rubbing Alcohol:If the bathroom need a quick sprucing up and don't have time to haul out numerous special cleaner,grab a few cotton balls and some rubbing alccohol wipe down the faucet ,toilet handle,seat and rim the alcohol kills the germs,removes spots and doesn't mess your clothes.
Baby Oils: polishing chrome,Apply a drop to a cotton cloth and use it to shine everything from faucet to hub cups.

1 comment:

kookie said...

thanks for the cleaning tips may, i will sure try it out.