Saturday, March 24, 2007

I won,Iwon!!

Last nite we played mahjong (Carlota,Mina and I ) and I won,Carlota and Mina lost. We had fun though.I called my baby kukang (Jonna) this morning and asking something, we talked for a while.I teased her that I'm cooking fried rice w/garlic and dried fish and sliced some tomatoes for my dried fish. She laughed at me and said that I'm silly, lots of thing happen this week but I don't remember much. One thing that I remember when I bring Annie to her house,Lisa told me that when Annie woke up at 1:00 am that was Thurday, she cried and called my name "May where is my Juice" Lisa got up and go to her b-room and tell to Annie,I'm your Mom, I can get your juice,and Annie said to her "oh okay".I want to share to you this cleaning tips that I read in the magazine here's:
Cleaning Trick
Old Socks: Orphaned or threadbare socks great dusting cloths. Because they slip right into your hands they're also great for scrubbing dishes and cleaning glass.
Rubbing Alcohol:If the bathroom need a quick sprucing up and don't have time to haul out numerous special cleaner,grab a few cotton balls and some rubbing alccohol wipe down the faucet ,toilet handle,seat and rim the alcohol kills the germs,removes spots and doesn't mess your clothes.
Baby Oils: polishing chrome,Apply a drop to a cotton cloth and use it to shine everything from faucet to hub cups.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Yipeee it's Saturday!!

Yehey,yuhoo. yipee yahooo. Saturday again! Why? so I can relax a bit, baby sitting with Annie is fun but sometime it's not, when she is not in the good mood, sometime when she want something that I didn't give to her she will cry.I chat to my niece and nephew a minute ago I saw them on the webcam, and they called me pc to pc. We talked about how are they doing etc. and bla bla bla. I read this in newspaper comic, my sweetie shown to me coz we've always tease each other similar in this.
Wife: honey do you ever worry about my cancer coming back?
Husband: Nope... when i took out our marriage license, I signed up for the extended warranty,
If anything ever happens to you...I get a free replacement within thirty days.
Wife:That's assuming nothing happens to you first, buster.
There a lot more to write but my brain is not functioning right now. Hey kukang (Carlota) we sold the fowler. Thanx for your help!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

nothing much

this foto was taken Jan.27 Sally,Julie Kukang Carlota,Melanie,and Me kukang May