Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Easy Homemade Cleaners

Hello Guys it been so long since I update well anyway I have some tips for you to share

All Purpose Disinfectant

Mix 2 teaspoon borax, and one quarter cups vinegar and 3 to 4 hot water in a spray bottle.

For extra cleaning power, add one quarter teaspoon of liquid soap to the mixture.

In The Kitchen

*Countertops: For a "soft scrub" mix baking soda and liquid soap until you get a consistence you like. Make only as much as you need; it dried up quickly.

*Ovens: Mix 1 cup baking soda and one quarter cup washing soda, then add enough water to make a paste; apply the paste to oven surfaces and let it sit overnight. In the morning, wipe out and rinse surfaces.

In The Bathroom

*Tub and Tile: Mix 1 2/3 cups baking soda, one half cup liquid soap, and one half cup water. Last add 2 tablespoon vinegar ( if you add the vinegar too early it will react with the baking soda). Immediately apply, wipe and scrub.

*Toilet Bowl: Pour 1 cup of borax into the toilet before going to bed. In the morning, scrub and flush. For an extra-strength cleaner add one quarter cup vinegar to the borax.

In The Living Room

*Furniture polish: Mix olive oil and vinegar in a ome to one ratio add polish with a soft cloth.

*Windows: Mix 3 tablespoon per 1 quart water in a spray bottle. some recommend using half vinegar and half water. For extra-dry windows try one half teaspoon liquid soap 3 tablespoon vinegar and 2 cups water. Shake well. Want streak free windows? Use newspaper instead of paper towel to wipe them.

In The Laundry Room

*Laundry Brightener: Add one half cup of strained lemon juice during the rinse cycle.

*Fabric Rinse: Add one quarter cup white vinegar during the washing machine rinse cycle to remove detergent completely from clothes, eliminating that scratchy feel.

*Detergent Booster: To reduce the amount of laundry detergent you need to use, add baking soda or washing soda. These mineral soften the water, which increases the detergent power. For liquid detergent add one half cup soda at the beginning of wash. For powder detergent add one cup soda during the rinse cycle.

Bleach: Use hydrogen peroxide instead

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